The Greatest Creation of My Life


“I have come to realize that life’s greatest adventures rarely come in small doses.”

I am very happy and proud to announce that Tina and I have been given love’s greatest gift and in February of 2013 we are going to have our first child!

Today was the hardest and happiest day of our lives as we found out about the positive pregnancy and were then immediately told it may be ectopic. If you’re unfamiliar with that term, basically it means that the egg implants in a place other than the mother’s uterus. It’s a life-threatening condition for the mother and a total disaster for the pregnancy with a zero-percent chance of survival. So that was our morning at the Urgent Care center. They sent us to the ER, where we spent the longest six hours of our lives. They did several tests and finally determined that there was nothing wrong with the baby – the pain Tina was experiencing was due to a simple bladder infection. We left exhausted but ecstatic.

Positive pregnancy test
Positive pregnancy test

Our next move: get to an Obstetrician to check out the pregnancy. The ER doctor recommended going back to the ER on Sunday but we decided to find a good OB in Palm Beach and go forward with a regular baby-doc instead. I’ll let you know how that works out next week.

Today is week 5; very early for any pregnancy. All of the following posts will be privately published for a number of months until the pregnancy has a chance to mature and we can break the news to our families and close friends. Naturally, most of our experiences on this subject will be very private, but I will use this space to write public-friendly updates for our friends.

Thanks for reading and be sure to check back for weekly updates!

4 responses to “The Greatest Creation of My Life”

  1. Wow, you guys really had a scare! So glad things are ok. You scared me until I read further into the blog. All’s well that ends well. Love to you and Tina.

  2. Wow, you guys really had a scare! So glad things are ok. You scared me until I read further into the blog. All’s well that ends well. Love to you and Tina.

  3. Thank you Mollie! Yes, that was a pretty rough weekend for us, and apprehension followed for about a week after. Love to you also…come to Florida!

  4. Thank you Mollie! Yes, that was a pretty rough weekend for us, and apprehension followed for about a week after. Love to you also…come to Florida!

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